A Voice for Change in Tennessee House District 45

I’m Alison Beale.

I’m a mom, former teacher, and advocate. I’m running for TN House District 45.

I never set out to be a politician. I’m just a person who genuinely cares about Tennessee kids and families. And like any mom, I’m doing what I need to do.

Over the last several years, I’ve worked as a gun violence prevention advocate with the Akilah Dasilva Foundation. Though heartbreaking work, it’s been a privilege to be a voice for gun violence victims and survivors. I want nothing more than to be able to send my children to school without worrying about their safety. But my children, my former students, and your children are part of the lockdown generation.

It’s a critical time in Tennessee, and Tennesseans are demanding change. But change can’t happen when those in power are unmoved by tragedies in our community such as the Waffle House and Covenant mass shootings. If kids getting killed at school won’t prompt our elected officials to take meaningful action, nothing will.

It’s time for morality, compassion,

and integrity to be restored to our state house.

It’s time that we start rebuilding the government we deserve.

It’s time for us to unite and blur party lines

because our kids simply matter more.

It’s time for change.

I’m ready to represent us and be a voice for our community. This is a journey, but I’m walking with you and running for you. Let’s move forward together.

Alison Beale's Platform for House District 45:

Building a Safe, Inclusive, and Engaged Tennessee

Safety First: I’m one of the over 80% of Tennesseans who support common sense gun safety laws. Guns are the leading cause of death of children, and refusal to face that fact is keeping our children and communities at risk. I support a multifaceted approach to reducing gun violence, but at the forefront of this is undoubtedly the need for gun safety regulations. Common-sense gun laws are not just a political statement; they're a necessity.

Education for the Future: My experience as an educator has instilled in me the importance of a holistic educational system. Our schools should focus not only on academic excellence but also on the well-being of our students and teachers. I am a fierce advocate for educational equality and believe that every child deserves a high-quality and equitably-funded education regardless of their race, socioeconomic status, or zip code. By investing in education, we're investing in the future of Tennessee.

Community Engagement: True representation means being engaged with every level of the community. My activism has allowed me to bridge the gap between constituents and their representatives. As the voice of House District 45, I will foster transparency, community engagement, and regular dialogues to ensure every voice is heard.

Accountable Leadership: House District 45 deserves a representative who acts in the best interests of its residents. I pledge to be that accountable voice, always prioritizing the needs of my community over personal or political gains.

A Brighter Tomorrow for All: My progressive vision is a testament to my commitment to an inclusive and thriving Tennessee. No matter one's background or identity, every individual should have equal opportunities and the resources to live happy, healthy, and prosperous lives. I look forward to a day when caring for the well-being of others is no longer radical, but the status quo.



Help us win with $24 for ‘24!

It’s not radical to care about people. Between now and November, we’re asking YOU to sign up for a recurring donation of $24 a month to help us flip this seat in 2024. In return, we’ll send you a tote bag that shows how you, too, support the radical act of caring for others.

Alison Beale campaign shirts

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Walking with you.

Running for you.

Paid for by Alison Beale for State Representative

Maverick Flowers, Treasurer

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